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Aetna is one of several major managed healthcare companies that sends students to our Lean Six Sigma training classes. As a Fortune 100 company, Aetna sells traditional and consumer directed healthcare insurance plans, including medical, dental, disability, long-term care, among others.
The company applies Six Sigma doctrines throughout the organization, from providing quality care to its members to maintaining cost efficiency.
Over 5,000 organizations use 6Sigma.us for Six Sigma training. We offer flexible training options:
Classroom Training
Onsite Training
Online Training
Webinar Training
Blended Programs
Seeking Lean programs? We also offer Lean Introduction and Lean Fundamentals.
Our curriculum includes White Belt Training, Yellow Belt Training, Jumpstart Training, Green Belt Training, Black Belt Training, and Master Black Belt Training.
Contact us today to get started! Learn about classes in your area.
Our Six Sigma programs include:
Don't delay — get your Six Sigma career started now!
This page exists since Aetna Inc. is one of our past customers. We make no claim that Aetna Inc. endorses or jointly offers programs with us.