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General Dynamics is one of many defense contractors that sends attendees to our Lean Six Sigma training programs. Headquartered in Virginia, General Dynamics is the world’s fifth largest defense contractor. The company is comprised of four segments: Marine Systems, Combat Systems, Information Systems and Technology, and Aerospace. The organization’s desire to remain responsive and flexible in the marketplace has been one of the motivating factors to enlist Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, in particular within their production plants.
Over 5,000 organizations have sought out the training services of 6Sigma.us for their employees. Training offerings include:
It’s time to get started on the path to Six Sigma success! Sign up today for one of our training programs.
Our Six Sigma programs include:
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This page exists since General Dynamics is one of our past customers. We make no claim that General Dynamics endorses or jointly offers programs with us.