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Bimbo Bakeries is one of several major bakeries that sends students to our Lean Six Sigma training programs. As the largest bakery in the United States, Bimbo owns six of the top twelve fresh bread brands in the country. The company is based in Fort Worth, Texas.
Bimbo has used Lean Six Sigma methodologies to address issues of waste, training deficiencies, excessive inventories, and overproduction within their facilities. Learn why Bimbo Bakeries and 5,000 organizations use the Lean and Six Sigma training programs offered by 6Sigma.us. Our extensive training solutions include:
Classroom Training: traditional programs led by Master Black Belts with real world experience
Onsite Training: fully deployed programs performed onsite customized to meet the specific needs of your company
Online Training: complete program includes White, Yellow, Green, and Black Belt training and certification, ideal for those who want a self-directed program
Webinar Training: online experience taught by an industry experienced Master Black Belt
Blended Programs: a hybrid program that blends online and classroom training
We also provide Lean training, including Lean Introduction and Lean Fundamentals.
Contact us today for more information. You can also view our schedule online.
Our Six Sigma programs include:
Don't delay — get your Six Sigma career started now!
This page exists since Bimbo Bakeries USA is one of our past customers. We make no claim that Bimbo Bakeries USA endorses or jointly offers programs with us.