
FedEx is one of many companies that sends attendees to our Lean Six Sigma training programs. FedEx is a leading global courier services company headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. Named on Fortune’s ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’ list, the company uses Lean and Six Sigma methodologies in order to improve productivity and reduce waste across several departments, from transportation services to supply chain.

Over 5,000 organizations entrust their training to, the leader in Lean and Six Sigma certification programs. Our training options include:

  • Classroom Training: program employs traditional teaching approaches led by Master Black Belts with expert experience
  • Onsite Training: fully deployed programs tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization
  • Online Training: complete program includes White, Yellow, Green, and Black Belt training and certification for those seeking a self-paced option
  • Webinar Training: engaging interactive experience taught by a Master Black Belt with industry experience
  • Blended Programs: hybrid program that includes online and classroom training for an accelerated approach

Get your training with a leader in the industry: enroll today!

Our Six Sigma programs include:

Don't delay — get your Six Sigma career started now!

This page exists since FedEx is one of our past customers. We make no claim that FedEx endorses or jointly offers programs with us.
