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The Kroger Company is one of many brands that sends attendees to our Lean Six Sigma training programs. Kroger is the country’s largest supermarket chain, with stores in 31 states. The brand’s formats include supermarkets, convenience stores, department stores, superstores, and mall jewelry stores.
Among other things, the company used Lean and Six Sigma doctrines to improve their shrink performance — in order to “sell more and lose less.” Learn why the Kroger Company and 5,000 organizations trust the Lean and Six Sigma training programs offered by 6Sigma.us.
We offer flexibility for the busy professional! Our training options include:
We offer Lean programs, including Lean Introduction and Lean Fundamentals coursework.
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Our Six Sigma programs include:
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This page exists since The Kroger Company is one of our past customers. We make no claim that The Kroger Company endorses or jointly offers programs with us.