Six Sigma Motivates and Inspires Company Staff

There are many ways businesses have tried to motivate company staff members. If administration is now noticing that their staff is unmotivated, chances are they have been feeling this way for awhile and may be ready to quit. Without an engaged workforce, your company may slowly start to diminish, and customer complaints and dissatisfaction will start to rise. Lack of motivation happens when the staff feels unappreciated for their efforts.
Six Sigma promotes company culture; once Six Sigma training has been brought to the company, the ideology that everyone is important to the end result will reflect in high quality work and effort.
This means everyone is heard; in fact, every single Six Sigma tool has the potential of being used to bring staff members and management together for a mutual cause of making the business more effective and efficient.
The staff members that deal with the actual day-to-day processes of the product or service your business is producing are a wealth of information and are worth their weight in gold. They are the experts in how the operations in that department are conducted, and they know what is working and what isn’t.
A great tool to evaluate the processes of your business is the Value Stream Map (VSM). This is the tool you use to view the entire process and analyze what is required to meet your customer’s most important requirements.
Your most important staff member is the one who is actually doing the work and can effectively take you through the process, as well as explain some flaws that are not conducive to the product. Using the existing data that management has been given using Voice of Customer (VOC) will not only fix the issue, but the inclusiveness of the staff member will make him/her feel appreciated and part of the company family.
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