
Six Sigma: A Path Towards a Stress-Free Work Environment

Whether you’re a large company or a small business, those who have implemented Six Sigma methodologies and tools have seen an improvement in the company staff’s work-life balance, which has turned into a rise in employee loyalty.

Importance of Work-Life Balance  

When a good work-life balance is cultivated, this keeps stress levels down. Chronic stress among staff members is one of the leading causes of other major health issues. These health issues can range from aches and pains to hypertension.

Preventing burnout is another important reason for maintaining work-life balance, whether you are a company owner or an employee. As an employee, when you experience burnout, this causes mood swings, fatigue, and decreased performance at work. The employer experiences a rise in healthcare spending because of the side effects of burnout.

According to Harvard Business Review, the psychological and physical consequences of burnout in employees costs an estimated $125 billion to $190 billion a year in healthcare.

Six Sigma: What Is It and How Can It Help?

Six Sigma is a data-based methodology that with the use of specific tools, can eliminate defects in work processes and make those processes more effective and efficient.

DMAIC: Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control. This template is used for improving existing processes.

DMADV: Define-Measure-Analyze-Define-Verify. This template is used for entirely new processes that have to be created because of a new product or service not available before.

Implementing Six Sigma will:

  • Improve time management, which will result in a more efficient business and productive staff.
  • Increase customer loyalty. Since VOC (Voice of Customer) tool is used, the customer is getting what they require in a product or service, thus customer loyalty will rise.
  • Increase employee motivation. Using the Six Sigma principle of teamwork that resides at its core, employee motivation will definitely increase, which will also help achieve work-life balance.

For more information on our Lean Six Sigma courses and services, please visit