Celebrating our Military and Six Sigma this Independence Day

The 4th of July and our independence brings up the thought of our military and the men and women who fought for our freedom. Since we have one of the strongest armed forces in the world, it would make sense to learn that our military uses Lean and Six Sigma processes to improve the efficiency of our armed forces.
So let’s honor Six Sigma! But before we do that, here are some quick examples of what the doctrine has done since its deployment to the US military in 2006:
- A record $19.1B dollars has been saved through various process improvements, including material flow in Afghanistan and Iraq.
- These savings spill over current programs.
- Large savings in future programs.
- Currently leaders in the army are responsible for resource reductions and elimination of waste.
- Today’s army keeps everything effective and efficient.
- The Secretary of Defense has made the value stream analysis part of the requirement within the cost benefit analysis.
- The Louisiana National Guard Saves $370K/a year using Lean Six Sigma.
- Pennsylvania’s National Guard Base implemented Lean Six Sigma for added training time to increase the efficiency of their operation wing.
We could keep going on about the benefits in our armed forces, but it is enough to say that Lean and Six Sigma has made this our armed forces stronger and more efficient and effective. They have continued where the Declaration of Independence left off, so for that reason we will honor not only the forefathers of the Declaration of Independence, but our Six Sigma forefathers for continuing the mission. Happy 4th of July!!!
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