5 Ways a Six Sigma Governing Body Would Deter Fake Practitioners

It’s one thing to say Six Sigma is in need of a governing body, but it’s another to say how it would function in practice. All we can do at this stage is speculate on what would make an ideal governing body. We should first ask what we want from one. What should it do and how should it act? How, for instance, would it handle fake Six Sigma practitioners? Fake organizations and practitioners, promising certification but failing to deliver, are one of Six Sigma’s greatest enemies. A major threat to Six Sigma’s great reputation, it’s essential for us to deter these con artists. Furthermore, any governing body worth its salt must be capable of dealing with fake Six Sigma practitioners effectively. Lucky for you, in this article, you can find out how!
Prevent Fraudulent Practices Through Blacklisting
With no governing body to speak of, there’s no one to police Six Sigma practices and prevent fraud. One of the ways a Six Sigma governing body could prevent fraudulent practices, or at least deter them, is by blacklisting known fake practitioners and organizations. As and when clients or practitioners report suspicious activities, the Six Sigma governing body can clamp down on those responsible.
Actively Seek Out Fraudulent Six Sigma Practitioners / Organizations
Blacklisting isn’t ideal, as it would rely on waiting for people to be defrauded or for the fake practitioners themselves to rear their heads. Moreover, it’s important for a Six Sigma governing body to always be on the lookout for fake practitioners, actively pursuing and gathering information on them. This is the best way to deter fake practitioners, by seeking them out and putting a stop to their actions. By letting fake practitioners know there’s governing body wise to them, this will automatically deter them from further schemes.
Punish Fake Six Sigma Practitioners / Organizations
But once the governing body has found out the fake Six Sigma practitioners or organizations, what then? The answer is simple. When you break the rules, you get punished. Fake Six Sigma practitioners are no exception. One of the things a good Six Sigma governing body would do is administer penalties to fake Six Sigma practitioners caught in the act. As we’ve already mentioned, blacklisting these bad eggs will help protect clients and ensure Six Sigma’s reputation remains untarnished.
Act as an Essential Source of Knowledge
Not only is this useful for true Six Sigma practitioners, but it will also make things more difficult for the fake ones. Due to Six Sigma’s current lack of any governing body, there’s no one to police Six Sigma certification and accreditation courses. Theoretically, you could pass off just about anything as Six Sigma, and only those knowledgeable would know the difference. With a fully-fledged governing body with a core knowledge base for true practitioners to lean on, it becomes easier to rule out who’s who – good or bad, real or fake.
Provide Certification / Accreditation
Why would clients or true Six Sigma practitioners go anywhere else if they could be certified by the best of the best? If a Six Sigma governing body were to offer certification and accreditation, this would squeeze any fraudulent moneymakers out of the market. The less opportunity there is for fake practitioners to get ahead, the less likely they’ll be able to.