Practicing Due Diligence: How to Save Yourself Time & Money

As a professional seeking Six Sigma certification, your time and money are extremely valuable. Unlike those who are not currently working or without day time commitments, it’s more difficult for you to devote your free time to a course that you’re unsure about. While there are pros and cons to every Six Sigma program, one thing is certain; any level of certification will greatly improve your career outlook. Partaking in a program is an excellent way to gain new skills and understand innovate ways to improve your business processes. Yet, there’s always more effective ways to gain certification without the risk. Here are a few ways you can practice due diligence and save time and money when searching for a Six Sigma program.
First, Know What Program You Want to Take
Most practitioners offer three different types of Six Sigma programs. These include training, certification, and certificate courses. While all three are technically Six Sigma affiliates, they do not offer the same material. For example, a training course will offer you hands-on experience by having you work on an actual Six Sigma project. Whereas, a certificate course will just provide you with an opportunity to take the certification exam. If you want a classroom setting and want to learn the ins and outs of the methodologies, a training or certification course is better for you. If you already understand the Six Sigma methodologies and want to see which Belt level you currently are at, a certificate course will save you time and money.
Next, Understand the Rewards of Your Program
Not every Six Sigma Belt level is created equally. For most professionals, you will need a Black Belt or higher if you want to become a project manager or a senior executive. Likewise, if you are just starting out in your career and want to understand the basics of the methodologies, a White or Yellow Belt will suit you better. Knowing what each certification level provides will help you make a more informed decision for which one to pursue. Furthermore, it’s important to understand what you hope to gain after completing your certification. Whether you’re seeking a job promotion or changing industries, each Belt offers different benefits for your end goals.
Last, Save By Consulting Your Employer
Two decades ago, professionals with Six Sigma certification were at the forefront of career applicants. Now, employers have come to expect their applicants to have at least some experience with Six Sigma. Although this depends on the industry, employers in manufacturing and production expect nothing less than Six Sigma Green Belt certification. Because of the need for certification, many employers now offer individual and group training courses for their employees. Sometimes, these courses are even offered on site and on company time. Certain organizations and corporations also have discounts with specific practitioners, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars. If you’re wanting to enroll in a training program, consult your employer and see what options are available to you.