Six Sigma Plus – Customer-centric Approach!

Six Sigma plus is a customer-centered approach that results in exemplary performance by business centers, all over the world. With strategy, people and processes as its basis this approach helps in streamlining and organizing various business processes to achieve optimum profitability and customer satisfaction.
Six Sigma plus is vital for any organization’s continuous improvement and progress. It is a pragmatic approach, which is a proportionate mix of coaching, training, consultancy, business process management, etc to achieve great results. This allows entrepreneurs to develop simple and practical solutions that can be implemented in their organizations for optimizing the results and progress.
Six Sigma is a methodology, which allows the process variations or deviations from the goal that may result in defects to be managed and eliminated, systematically. Multi-national corporations and business houses have implemented the Six Sigma process to improve their results and performances.
Six Sigma cannot be considered to be a quality standard and it is not a management system that allows people to measure the results. It is a way of thinking, which can be used in an organization to attain results that endure for a longer period of time. Six Sigma Plus is all about novel process thinking, customer-centric, data driven prioritizing and obvious and tangible results.
Six Sigma Plus allows organizations or major multi-national corporations, to integrate their tools into the learning cycles of Six Sigma and leading a change in their enterprises. It also helps them to implement a strategy effectively and efficiently use the feedback mechanisms to improve their organizational performance. The customer is the focal point in Six Sigma Plus.
Six Sigma works on two significant methodologies, namely, DMAIC and DFSS. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control and DFSS stands for Design for Six Sigma. DMAIC enables the business enterprises to improve the business process that are existent in their organizations. This methodology consists of five phases as mentioned in its expansion.
In DMAIC the targets or goals for improving the business processes are defined. Any goal has to be consistent with the strategy of the business enterprise and the demands of the customers. The current process of the enterprise is measured and the data required is collected. The relationship and the causality of various factors are verified in the process, ‘Analyze’. The process is optimized and this results in improvement. The ‘control’ process results in eliminating the process variations that result in defects.
In DFSS, the needs and requirements of the customer are determined and these needs are incorporated into the process, to arrive at a customized product or solution. Systems engineering techniques are used, in order to avoid problems that occur in processes, from the starting point. The specialized tools that are used in designing are Axiomatic design, Tolerance design, the Response surface methodology etc.
Executive leadership, Champions, Master Black Belts (MBB), Black Belts and Green Belts play major roles in the implementation of Six Sigma. The CEO and senior members of the management are the executive leadership, who set up a vision for implementing Six Sigma and they also allow other people to focus their resources, to improve the organization. The Champions, who are ranked below the executive leadership, implement the Six Sigma across the concern. They act as mentors for the Master Black belts, who are in-house coaches, who guide the Black Belts and Green Belts. Black belts focus on executing the projects and Green belts are the employees who implement Six Sigma strategies and are instrumental in reaching the goals and achieving favorable results.
Six Sigma plus deals with total overall quality management, strategy implementation for better results and leadership development. People trained in Six Sigma can work more efficiently than others and they can produce significant results and improvements. World class performances result from implementing Six Sigma Plus, since the leadership, business strategies, business processes and work force adopt a successful way of thinking, implementing and working! The customer-centric approach results in a loyal customer base, competitive edge, better organizational performance and optimal profits!
Stop by and contact us at and find out how we can positively help you plan and change the culture and operations of your organization. We offer Green Belt and Black Belt training programs, as well as a Master Black Belt program.