Why Do Six Sigma Training Prices Vary So Much?

If you have ever searched for Six Sigma training courses, you have probably noticed that they can vary greatly in prices. From $100 to upwards of thousands, courses can vary, depending on who they are taught by, where they are offered, and their duration. However, is there more to the price tag of your typical Six Sigma training course than meets the eye? In this article, we will assess why different programs vary in cost so greatly throughout industry.
First, we must look at the type of program.
One of the biggest indicators of a training program’s price is what the course offers. Typically, there are three types of courses; certificate, certification, and training. While we have covered these differences extensively in previous articles, their characteristics are rather straightforward. For certificate courses, you can expect to only take a Six Sigma exam and earn a Belt Certificate after passing it. Likewise, certification programs provide a general classroom setting and review material through reading and exercises. At the end, you will test your knowledge of Six Sigma and gain a certificate. However, training courses encompass both a classroom setting education with hands-on projects to further advance your understanding. Combining elements of the previous two, training courses offer the most experience, with an exam. Ranking in order from lowest to highest, the prices for these courses are certificate, certification, then training.
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Second, who is offering the course?
Another variable for pricing is the course provider. Is your program offered by a renowned university? Is your course provider an established Six Sigma program? Typically, employers prefer certain certification and training programs over others. In this case, simple supply and demand come into play, and the price will increase. If you receive training from a rather new, inexperienced program, chances are the price will be a fraction of what you’d find elsewhere.
Third, what type of Belt Certification do you require?
In Six Sigma, there are five commonly accepted levels of certification. These are, in increasing rank, White Belt, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt. Of course, with each increase in rank, more in-depth training and experience is required. Likewise, the amount of time and hands-on experience you will need also increases. Because of this, the higher-ranking Belt you wish the achieve, the higher you can expect the cost to be.
Last, Six Sigma vs. Lean Six Sigma.
Finally, a driver in cost for your training program will be if it is Six Sigma or Lean Six Sigma. While similar in many ways, Lean Six Sigma differs mostly in a few areas. First, it follows a more simplified approach to reducing production waste, improving organization, and outlining process problems. Six Sigma training, on the other hand, follows a more detailed approach. Furthermore, there’s a heavier emphasis on data collection, discovering patterns, and reducing production or manufacturing errors. However different these two might be, both contribute greatly to business process improvement for companies. Yet, these differences might determine the cost variation in different programs.
If you’re considering enrolling in a Six Sigma training program, follow these simple steps to find the right program for you. Combining your practice of due diligence with these assessments, finding the best program for the correct cost will be easier than you think!