Examining the Connection Between DMADV and SMART Goals
While we usually examine DMAIC vs. DMADV here in our Six Sigma blog, we would like to show the similarities here to another methodology often seen in the business world, known as the SMART goal template, and show there is a correlation that’s just too obvious not to compare.
What is the SMART goal template? SMART stands for:
Specific: This refers to the detail of the goal you want achieve. Where do you want to achieve this goal? How? What are the conditions and limitations that can happen? Specify every possible detail of the goal.
Measurable: Break your goal down into measurable details. This will help you identify that you have achieved your specific goal. This needs to be hard evidence; for example if your goal is to lose 5 pounds, then the hard data is evidence that you have achieved your goals. For this, you will need data from before as a baseline. Then when you weigh yourself, the data will show the lost weight.
Attainable: Is your goal really attainable? What would it take to achieve your goal? What is currently happening to prevent you from achieving your goal?
Relevant: Is your goal relevant to your particular situation or are you lacking certain skills that would make your situation worse? If you did get training for this particular skill, would this automatically make achieving this goal easier?
Timely: When do you expect to achieve this goal? Be specific but also be realistic in the time you give yourself.
What is DMADV? It is the methodology used in Six Sigma that stands for: Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify.
Anytime you are looking to design a new service or product, the template is the DFSS (Design For Six Sigma), and uses the DMADV framework to understand the customer’s requirements.
Define: Outline your goal and be specific. Set realistic and measurable goals and why it is needed.
Measure: Know the factors and parameters that are critically important, including risks. Also assess the process’s capabilities.
Analyze: Develop design alternatives, work with different combinations and outcomes. Select the ones that would work.
Design: A detailed prototype of how this is done to see where errors were made and if necessary modify the current version.
Verify: This is the final step where the newly designed service or process is taken to the real world. This version is lightly modified for our purposes. If you have achieved your goal, this is the verification you will need.
We use DMADV because depending on your goal, a new process has to be designed to achieve your goal. But DMAIC is also a great choice.
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